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Sleep soundly with "Snoozy's" huge collection of relaxing sounds.

What is it?

A sleep app that helps you fall asleep every night. Users can listen to the calming sounds of nature or tune into a bedtime story and have a sound sleep. With this app, the users can lower their stress, anxiety, and have a night of more restful sleep with the help of guided meditations. They can also monitor their sleeping patterns.

Launch Prototype
Target Audience
02_Target Audience.png
User Personas
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User Journey
04_User Journey matrix.png
Design Opportunities
Colour Palette

Choosing the right colours is very important. For this app, I chose dark mode as most of the users will use the app at night and a dark mode will be more comfortable for their eyes. The colours #17002C and #2A0052 are perfect cool tone backgrounds and #8D78FE & #FF6456 are the perfect accent colours.


The typeface can define the personality of an app. I chose a geometric sans-serif typeface, "Poppins" because of how approachable and friendly it is. It goes well with the personality of this app.

gifs text.png

Several illustrations, cool-toned and bright coloured images,

micro-animations and illustrations create a soothing ambience

and mentally prepare the users to sleep.

Sounds cards.png

Sounds of nature and ambient sounds can create a relaxing environment. There is also a feature to customize your own 

mix by combining various sounds.


The illustrative style for the bedtime story cards create a creative and submersive experience for the users.

Stories cards2.png
High Fidelity Design

Users can also filter the sounds and may choose just to view sounds of water or wind etc.

Sounds - create.png

The logo was designed to be simple and inviting. When the user opens the app, he/she is greeted with a micro-animation and explanatory onboarding experience.

On arriving at the home page, the users are greeted with a "Good Morning" message and the status of their sleep cycle.

The home page is also where you can browse popular Stories and sounds.

On selecting a particular sound, the users get a preview of it where they can choose to play it or download it for later.

Instagram post - 15.jpg
Sounds - play mode.png

The play mode is where the user can set a sleep timer and fall asleep listening to it.


The button next to it starts tracking the sleep which the user can switch off in the morning to check the statistics.

In the create tab, users can create their own mix by combining various sounds

and save them.

Sounds - create.png

Users can adjust the volume of each sound when creating the mix.


The illustrative style for the bedtime story cards create a creative and submersive experience for the users.

Stories - play mode.png
Stories - play mode 2.png

Similar to sounds, users can set a sleep timer, switch on sleep tracking and set a queue for stories.


But unlike sounds, in stories, users can forward and rewind the audio by 10 seconds. 

Launch Prototype
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